What can i watch passion of the christ on
What can i watch passion of the christ on

When the lights came on at the end, the entire group looked like deer which had been caught in the headlamps of a car. I was stunned by the weeping I heard across the room. There were many entertainers, entertainment company executives, and accomplished artists present - the kind of people whose eye for excellence could not but help to cause them to catch every little flaw or mistake. I watched this movie with what I thought would be a very tough audience. I was able to catch my breath, and then I was thrust back to the most terrible day in human history. Several times it was so intense that I was about to get up and leave the room, and then, with extraordinary timing, there would be a flashback to a happier time in the Lord's life. It is like watching the torture of the One you love the most for more than an hour. It is my earnest prayer that every Christian will see this movie. I know this may sound like a wild exaggeration, but I believe it to be true. Even before I saw it, I knew it had the power to begin changing Christianity. The acting, directing, and overall quality of the movie is excellent, but there is more to it than that. I don't think there is any question that this is the most accurate, honest portrayal of the crucifixion ever screened. It touched something within me that deeply. After watching, The Passion, it almost completely dominated my thoughts for days, and now that it has been weeks after I saw it, I still spend time each day pondering it.

what can i watch passion of the christ on what can i watch passion of the christ on

After watching great movies, I often wake up the next day thinking about them, and will often think about them for a few days afterwards. It was by far the hardest movie that I have ever watched, but was also the most powerful and impacting. I watched it with a small group of invited guests a few weeks ago. There is a reason for this - it is one of the most anointed and powerful films produced in a very long time.

what can i watch passion of the christ on

Mel Gibson's, The Passion of the Christ is one of the most controversial films to be produced in a long time.

What can i watch passion of the christ on